Moving from Manual Recruiting to a New ATS: The Ultimate How-to Guide

Moving from Manual Recruiting to a New ATS: The Ultimate How-to Guide


Moving from Manual Recruiting to a New ATS: The Ultimate How-to Guide

As you have seen with your customers, it can be challenging for a small business owner, hiring manager, or recruiter at a growing company to source, screen, and track quality candidates, especially if they are doing so in spreadsheets or by email.

Spending time manually looking for talent, reviewing hundreds of resumes, scheduling interviews, and making offers to candidates not only wastes time, but it can slow them down in making the right hiring decisions for their business. And in an especially tight labor market, these manual recruiting tasks take time away from more strategic initiatives that drive their company forward.

In Moving from Manual Recruiting to a New ATS: The Ultimate How-to Guide, learn more about how you can help break down the selection process for recruitment software to better support your customers’ hiring initiatives. Get a copy of the eBook to use on your own or to share with your customers. In this eBook, you and your customers will:

  • Discover the benefits of using an ATS as part of recruiting strategy
  • Learn the capabilities that should be part of the recruitment software selected
  • Get actionable steps that you and your customers can use to guide the process
  • Gain confidence in selecting the right recruitment technology to improve hiring

Your customers’ hiring success is important to us too. Here is a free checklist to assist in choosing the right ATS!

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