SD-WAN: Optimize Bandwidth and Achieve Cost Efficiencies

SD-WAN: Optimize Bandwidth and Achieve Cost Efficiencies


SD-WAN: Optimize Bandwidth and Achieve Cost Efficiencies

The enterprise wide area network (WAN) is becoming more complex and costly as it tries to accommodate an increasing number of user demands. High-definition video conferencing, real-time collaboration on cloud-hosted applications and other bandwidth-intensive activities are driving this trend.

Eighty-seven percent of enterprises have already adopted, or are planning to adopt, internet-based connectivity as their main WAN technology — changing the way traffic flows on the network.1 Even now, increased data loads (especially from video conferencing and streaming), broad acceptance of remote work practices and once-unthinkable standards for speed and connectivity are causing enterprise networks to feel the pressure.

White Paper from  Spectrum_Enterprise_Logo

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