Achieve dramatic productivity and turnaround time improvements in early design electrical rule checking

Achieve dramatic productivity and turnaround time improvements in early design electrical rule checking


Achieve dramatic productivity and turnaround time improvements in early design electrical rule checking

Early-stage IC design layout vs. schematic (LVS) and circuit verification typically return large numbers of connectivity errors, which can be a critical bottleneck for both LVS and physical verification flows that require correct connectivity for valid results. The Calibre® nmLVS Recon™ tool targets essential and relevant early-stage circuit verification pain points, such as electrical rule checking (ERC) and soft connection checking (softchk), to enable designers to perform fast, efficient, and focused early-stage LVS runs. The Calibre nmLVS Recon ERC and Softchk functions focus on improving turnaround time and simplifying debugging in early-stage iterations, leading to an overall reduction in tapeout schedules.

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