ESG: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Infoblox Networking and Security Management in a Multi-cloud Environment

ESG: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Infoblox Networking and Security Management in a Multi-cloud Environment



Realize an ROI of 334% Through Reduced Operational Costs and Increased Business Agility

Application deployment has evolved due to the widespread adoption of public cloud services and hybrid work policies. Enterprises are strategically deploying applications across diverse environments as never before, including private data centers, multiple public clouds, and edge locations. This shift has introduced increased costs and complexities, compounded by diverse controls and team-specific environments. Through custom research and customer interviews, Enterprise Strategy Group validated that by deploying Infoblox networking and security products into these diverse environments, organizations can:

  • Achieve real-time network visibility, centralized control and expedited development processes
  • Maximize operational efficiency and enhance organizational ability
  • Realize ROI as high as 334% through avoided solution costs and operational expenses, as well as the mitigated risks associated with potential breaches, noncompliance and downtime

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