Guide to Modern PR

Guide to Modern PR



Guide to Modern PR

Building consumer trust in the digital age.

What is modern PR? It’s no secret that with the advent of social media, and the increased legitimacy of non-traditional media channels, such as blogs and podcasts, public relations teams have had to dramatically adapt their approach in recent years. In truth, PR is a much broader, more exciting function these days. It’s not just about media relations anymore. It applies to social media, influencers, content strategy, and more. This means it requires strong digital and analytical skills on top of deft communication and storytelling abilities.

Additionally, a growing consumer base of younger generations who are far more digitally savvy than those who came before, who value brand authenticity and accountability, means that PR teams must have a sophisticated approach to ESG, executive positioning, and crisis communications. Luckily there are not only a vast number of ways to track, calculate, and demonstrate brand presence today; there are also far more tools available to find PR opportunities, increase the longevity of content, and keep abreast of company, competitor, and leadership mentions. This guide will cover the key factors affecting PR teams today, the tools you need to strengthen your PR efforts, and how the modern approach to PR can take a more data-driven perspective..

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