Konica Minolta’s Managed Compliance Services: HIPAA Use Case

Konica Minolta’s Managed Compliance Services: HIPAA Use Case


Konica Minolta's Managed Compliance Services: HIPAA Use Case

A multi-site healthcare organization was unprepared and facing an OCR (Office for Civil Rights) audit with possible fines for accidentally exposing over 4,000 ePHI records to public search engines. The breach was caused by an improperly configured computer server that was owned by the dental company and had not been updated for several months. The server was not properly connected to the private and secure network.

The organization also lacked documented procedures and processes for assessing and monitoring all its administrative tasks, physical facility security, information security systems, equipment, and applications connected with ePHI patient data. It also did not have appropriate check and balances or information security systems in place for authorizing access to patient databases and termination access to the patient databases.

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