Amalgam Report: The Era of Decision Intelligence, Empowering Employees with AI Enhanced Decisions

Amalgam Report: The Era of Decision Intelligence, Empowering Employees with AI Enhanced Decisions


Amalgam Report: The Era of Decision Intelligence, Empowering Employees with AI Enhanced Decisions

In this decade, decision intelligence will be the most important value driver for enterprise analytics and machine learning. Amalgam Insights projects that adopting Decision Intelligence will provide machine-learning-aided personalized decisions to most employees by 2030.

However, businesses must be aware of the artificial intelligence, business logic, and social science aspects of Decision intelligence to take full advantage of this new technology.

Businesses seeking to maximize value, return on assets, and profit based on their enterprise data need to start taking a business-wide Decision Intelligence approach and avoid the mistake of soiling Decision Intelligence.

Access the exclusive Amalgam Report to learn more!

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