Eckerson Report: The Emerges of Decision Science. Smarter Actions with Artificial Intelligence

Eckerson Report: The Emerges of Decision Science. Smarter Actions with Artificial Intelligence


Eckerson Report: The Emerges of Decision Science. Smarter Actions with Artificial Intelligence

The emerging discipline of decision AI creates the opportunity for enterprises to make smarter, faster, and more adaptable decisions than traditional business intelligence methods. Decision AI uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the decision lifecycle and overcome human limitations. It comprises both decision intelligence and contextual intelligence.

  • Decision intelligence detects what happened and analyzes why it happened
  • Contextual intelligence helps make those decisions actionable and specific

To improve the odds of success, enterprises should seek to build or buy a decision AI platform that is comprehensive, rigorous, creative, rational, fair, transparent, adaptive, fast, elastic, and open.

They also should start with simple, practical use cases, compare commercial and homegrown options, and assemble a cross-functional team for their decision AI initiative.

Access the exclusive Eckerson report now to learn more!

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