Smoking in rental properties: What are the risks associated with guests smoking and how to prevent it?

Smoking in rental properties: What are the risks associated with guests smoking and how to prevent it?


Smoking in rental properties: What are the risks associated with guests smoking and how to prevent it?

Implement smart strategies to deter smoking and protect your property.

Discover how setting clear smoking policies, using visual cues, designating smoking areas, and enforcing penalties can make your rental property a non-smoker’s haven.

  • Enforce strict no-smoking policies to avoid costly clean-up and downtime.
  • Use smoking detection technology like Minut sensor for immediate alerts.
  • Implement visible signage and designated outdoor smoking areas.
  • Outline and enforce penalties for any policy violations.

Get the guide to protecting your property from smoke damage today.
Minut are the leading, global property monitoring platform. Keep your short and long term rental properties party- and damage-free with 100% privacy-safe noise, occupancy and cigarette detection.Get instant insight into your entire portfolio while keeping your operations lean.

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