The Strategic Guide to Combating Identity-Related Fraud

The Strategic Guide to Combating Identity-Related Fraud


The Strategic Guide to Combating Identity-Related Fraud

A practical guide for building a robust and forward-looking strategy
No business wants to find itself the target of a fraud attack. Unfortunately, the simple reality of operating a business online means you will likely have to deal with this threat eventually.

According to PwC, 52% of large companies surveyed in 2022 experienced fraud in the last 24 months. Smaller companies fared slightly better, with 38% experiencing fraud in one form or another.

From cybercrime to account takeover fraud, synthetic fraud, and more, fraud is simply a reality of modern business.

With this in mind, it’s important to regularly revisit your fraud-fighting strategy to ensure you are appropriately protecting your business from bad actors.

Whether your business has recently experienced a major fraud attack and you are looking for ways to protect yourself against future attacks, or you’re just looking for ways to proactively cover any blind spots in your fraud strategy, we’ve got you covered.

In this white paper, we walk through some common misconceptions about fraud and the steps you should take to combat it — both in the short and long term.

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