Ultimate Cyber-Resiliency: a guide to combatting AD security villains

Ultimate Cyber-Resiliency: a guide to combatting AD security villains


Ultimate Cyber-Resiliency: a guide to combatting AD security villains

In the world of cyber security, Active Directory (AD) is key. Every organization’s Active Directory serves as a cornerstone, providing authentication and authorization for every critical resource across the environment. Suffice to say, ensuring that Active Directory is properly managed and secured is vital for continuity and success.

Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, considering how AD environments are complex and constantly evolving. Furthermore, the value that Active Directory holds makes it the number one target for nefarious cyber criminals. Intelligent and relentless, these dangerous adversaries know that controlling Active Directory means controlling the entire enterprise, so they are constantly coming up with new strategies, tools and methods to achieve their goal: AD domination.

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