Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) for Dummies

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) for Dummies


API Security Solution Evaluation Guide

Web app attacks are a leading cause of security incidents and data breaches. As traditional apps are modernized, attackers target the digital endpoints that serve as a conduit to critical business logic—APIs. How can a web application firewall (WAF) help? What does a WAF really do? What threats and risks can it protect against? The WAFs for Dummies eBook from F5 details how a WAF can protect your apps and APIs in the way that works best for your business.

In this F5 eBook, you’ll learn:

  1. The importance of a WAF: why a WAF is “table stakes” for protecting apps and APIs
  2. How a WAF mitigates risk: the types of threats a WAF can protect against
  3. Which WAF works best: ways to deploy a WAF in traditional and API-based architectures

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